$( document ).ready( function() { var $drawingsWrap = $( '.drawingsWrap' ), $loader = $( '.loading', $drawingsWrap ); // Give the page some time to adjust for MyEntries then fadeout loader setTimeout( function() { $loader.fadeOut( 300, function() { $( this ).remove(); }); }, 1500); // On menu item click $( document ).on( 'click', '.drawBlockName', function() { var $this = $( this ), $parentWrap = $this.parents( '.drawingsWrap' ), id = $this.data( 'id' ), $thisDrawBlockMenuItems = $( '.drawBlockName', $parentWrap ), $thisDrawBlockToShow = $( '.drawblock[data-id="'+ id +'"]', $parentWrap ), $thisDrawBlockToHide = $( '.drawblock.active', $parentWrap ); // Show the correct active draw block name $thisDrawBlockMenuItems.removeClass( 'active' ); $this.addClass( 'active' ); showSelectedSweeps( $thisDrawBlockToHide, $thisDrawBlockToShow ); // if parentWrap top is off screen, we want to scroll to top var windowScrollTop = $( window ).scrollTop(), parentWrapTop =$parentWrap.offset().top; if ( windowScrollTop > parentWrapTop ) { $( 'html, body' ).animate( { scrollTop: parentWrapTop - 10 // give 10 extra top padding }, 100 ); } }); // MOBILE ONLY: On menu item click select $( '.drawBlockNamesMobile' ).on( 'change', function() { var $this = $( this ), $parentWrap = $this.parents( '.drawingsWrap' ), id = $( 'option:selected', this ).data( 'id' ), $thisDrawBlockToShow = $( '.drawblock[data-id="'+ id +'"]', $parentWrap ), $thisDrawBlockToHide = $( '.drawblock.active', $parentWrap ); showSelectedSweeps( $thisDrawBlockToHide, $thisDrawBlockToShow ); }); // MyEntries functionality var $myEntriesSwitch = $( '.myEntriesSwitch' ); // Check if my entries option exists // If it does, then create sorting functionality if ( $myEntriesSwitch.length > 0 ) { $myEntriesSwitch.on( 'change', function() { var $parentWrap = $( this ).parents( '.drawingsWrap' ), $sidebar = $( '.sidebar', $parentWrap ), $drawingsBlockWinners = $( '.drawingsBlockWinners', $parentWrap ), $myEntries = $( '.sweeps.myEntries', $parentWrap ), $thisMyEntrySwitch = $( '.myEntriesSwitch', $parentWrap ), $thisDrawBlockMenuItems = $( '.drawBlockName', $parentWrap ), $thisDrawingsBlockMenu = $( '.drawingsBlockMenu', $parentWrap ), $thisDrawingsBlockMenuMobile = $( '.drawBlockNamesMobile', $parentWrap ), $thisMobileMenuItemsOptions = $( 'option', $thisDrawingsBlockMenuMobile ), $noResultsMessage = $( '.noResults', $parentWrap ); // Get and cache the id of each MyEntries drawing var myEntriesIds = $myEntries.map( function() { return $( this ).data( 'id' ); } ).get(); // Check if My Entries is checked // If it is then show only My Entries related menu items if ( $thisMyEntrySwitch.prop( 'checked' ) === true ) { // Show draw block menu items for myEntries only, hide others $thisDrawBlockMenuItems.hide(); // First check if any entries exist, if not then hide everything // show message and return false if ( myEntriesIds.length === 0 ) { $sidebar.hide(); $drawingsBlockWinners.hide(); $noResultsMessage.text( 'You have no entries in these drawings.' ).show(); return false; } // MOBILE: Filter out and hide all but My Entries names from select box $thisMobileMenuItemsOptions.filter( function() { var $self = $( this ), optionIsInMyEntries = myEntriesIds.indexOf( $( this ).val() ) !== -1; // Only show My Entries drawings names if ( ! optionIsInMyEntries ) { $self.hide().prop('disabled', true); } else { $self.show().prop('disabled', false).removeProp('disabled'); } } ); for ( var i = 0; i < myEntriesIds.length; i++ ) { $( '.drawBlockName[data-id="'+ myEntriesIds[i] +'"]', $parentWrap ).show(); } } else { // First hide the No Entries Message $noResultsMessage.hide(); // Remove disabled prop from any drawblock menu item $thisMobileMenuItemsOptions.prop('disabled', false).removeProp('disabled'); // Show other menu items and hide My Entries $sidebar.show(); $drawingsBlockWinners.show(); $thisDrawBlockMenuItems.show(); // Filter out My Entries names from select box $thisMobileMenuItemsOptions.filter( function() { var $self = $( this ); // Get length of my entries drawings results in self var selfMyEntriesCount = $( '.sweeps.myEntries[data-id="'+ $self.val() +'"]', $parentWrap ).length; // Get length of total drawings results in self var selfSweepsCount = $( '.sweeps[data-id="'+ $self.val() +'"]', $parentWrap ).length; // Show all drawings but My Entries // Also if My Entries are the only sweeps in a draw, hide from menu if ( myEntriesIds.indexOf( $self.val() ) > -1 && selfSweepsCount === selfMyEntriesCount ) { $self.hide(); } else { $self.show(); } } ); // TODO: In the next update with API driven data // We will want to make all of this a "Sweep" object to store and hold // all information about these sweeps. That way the data is // not stored in the DOM, but in a class object. for ( var i = 0; i < myEntriesIds.length; i++ ) { // Get length of my entries drawings results in its own sweeps var selfMyEntriesCount = $( '.sweeps.myEntries[data-id="'+ myEntriesIds[i] +'"]', $parentWrap ).length; // Get length of total drawings results in its own sweeps var selfSweepsCount = $( '.sweeps[data-id="'+ myEntriesIds[i] +'"]', $parentWrap ).length; // If My Entries are the only sweeps in a draw, hide from menu if ( selfSweepsCount === selfMyEntriesCount ) { $( '.drawBlockName[data-id="'+ myEntriesIds[i] +'"]', $parentWrap ).hide(); } } } // Choose first VISIBLE menu item $thisDrawingsBlockMenu.find( ':visible' ).eq( 0 ).click(); // Select one of the VISIBLE options $thisMobileMenuItemsOptions.each( function() { var $self = $( this ); if ( $self.css( 'display' ) !== 'none' ) { $self.prop( "selected", true ); $thisDrawingsBlockMenuMobile.trigger( 'change' ); return false; } }); }).trigger( 'change' ); // Need to do this to hide My Entries on page load } $( document ).on( 'click', '.sweeps .sweepsDates', function() { var $parentSweep = $( this ).parents( '.sweeps' ); toggleSweepPrizes( $parentSweep ); }); // Show correct sweeps tables function showSelectedSweeps( $toHide, $toShow ) { var $toHideParentWrap = $toHide.parents( '.drawingsWrap' ), $toShowParentWrap = $toShow.parents( '.drawingsWrap' ); // First remove active class from any and all drawblocks of this draw type $( '.drawblock', $toHideParentWrap ).removeClass( 'active' ); $toHide.fadeOut( 300, function() { var $thisMyEntrySwitch = $( '.myEntriesSwitch', $toShowParentWrap ), $sweeps = $toShow.find( '.sweeps' ), $sweepsMyEntries = $toShow.find( '.myEntries' ); // If my entries is checked, show only my entries if ( $thisMyEntrySwitch.prop( 'checked' ) === true ) { $sweeps.hide(); $sweepsMyEntries.show(); } // else show the other sweeps, and hide my entries else { $sweeps.show(); $sweepsMyEntries.hide(); } $toShow.fadeIn( 300, function() { $( this ).addClass( 'active' ); toggleFirstSweepsPrizes(); }); }); } function toggleSweepPrizes( $parent ) { var $thisSweepsPrizes = $( '.sweepsPrizes', $parent ), $toggleViewBtnDesktop = $( '.toggle-view-desktop', $parent ), $toggleViewBtnMobile = $( '.toggle-view-mobile', $parent ), isMobile = $( '.toggle-view.mobileShown' ).is(':visible'); // toggle sweepsPrizes $thisSweepsPrizes.slideToggle( 100 ); // Mobile only if ( isMobile ) { $toggleViewBtnMobile.toggleClass( 'fa-chevron-right fa-chevron-down' ); } // Desktop only else { $toggleViewBtnDesktop.toggleClass( 'badge-yellow badge-light' ); // Change text based on badge class if ( $toggleViewBtnDesktop.hasClass( 'badge-light' ) ) { $toggleViewBtnDesktop.text( 'Hide Winners' ); } else { $toggleViewBtnDesktop.text( 'View Winners' ); } } } // If result only has 1 sweeps then automatically show its winners function toggleFirstSweepsPrizes() { var $thisSweeps = $( '.sweeps:visible' ), $sweepsPrizes = $( '.sweepsPrizes', $thisSweeps ); if ( $thisSweeps.length === 1 && ! $sweepsPrizes.is( ':visible' ) ) { toggleSweepPrizes( $thisSweeps ); } } });